Monday, June 13, 2016

The Art & Science of Gems Exhibition
at the ArtScience Museum, Singapore.

This 1924 Platinum Egyptian motif bracelet is from the Van Cleef & Arpels Collection. It is decorated with scenes of hieroglyphics; scarabs, sphinx, amphora, taurus, ostrich feathers, lotus flowers and bees. It is set with emeralds, sapphires, rubies, diamonds, & onyx stones. 

Egyptian inspiration jewelry from the 1920's is very rare, and highly sought after by collectors. Norman Monteau our Egyptian inspired jewelry expert says that after the 1922 discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb Egyptian inspired jewelry became extremely popular in Europe and in America.

See you at the exhibit in Singapore!
“Van Cleef & Arpels: The Art & Science of Gems” exhibition – at The ArtScience Museum, Singapore – from April 23 to August 14, 2016.

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Long-Lost Amber Room May Be Stashed in a Nazi Bunker in Poland?

After 60 years of hunting for the missing Amber Room, a magnificent treasure stolen by the Nazis, a museum in Poland suggests that they know where is it located. This is the second time within a year that rumors have run rampant about the treasure being located in Poland.

The Amber Room is a singular treasure. It was originally completed in the 18th century in a palace near St. Petersburg, Russia, paneled with six tons of precious amber, elaborately carved and decorated with gold. After advancing German troops captured the palace in 1941, the 600-square-foot room was dismantled and carted off to Königsberg Castle in East Prussia, where it was later exposed to British bombs and Soviet shells. Berlin sent orders in January 1945 to evacuate high-value cultural items from the castle, but what happened after has never been clear.

A Norman Monteau Book Recommendation 

I am reading Greg Mortenson’s Three Cups of Tea. I also bought Stones into Schools, the sequel, to read next. Notwithstanding the controversy surrounding Mortenson, I cannot put the book down.